After Intel released laptop versions of these Coffee Lake processors back in August, its now the desktop's turn. The main difference between Coffee Lake and the previous generation is the core count. Intel increased the core count across the board, the i3 processors are now 4 cores (up from 2), the i5 processors are now 6 cores (up from 4), and the i7 processors are now 6 cores with hyper-threading. (Note: full line-up below)
Intel claims the new chips are now 32% faster than the previous generation and 65% faster than the generation from 3 years ago. And i7-8700k as the "best gaming desktop processor ever." The structure is still fairly similar to the last generation, coming out as a 14++nm node. But Intel promised later 8 generation chips will be 10nm architecture. Lastly, the motherboard chipset has to be Z370 in order to fit these.
Full Line-up at Launch:
- i3-8100, 4 cores / 4 threads at 3.6GHz (approximately $117)
- i3-8350k, 4 cores / 4 threads at 4.0GHz (approximately $168)
- i5-8400, 6 cores / 6 threads at 2.8GHz boost to 4.0GHz (approximately $182)
- i5-8600k, 6 cores / 6 threads at 3.6GHz boost to 4.4GHz (approximately $257)
- i7-8700, 6 cores / 12 threads at 3.2GHz boost to 4.6GHz (approximately $303)
- i7-8700k, 6 cores / 12 threads at 3.8GHz boost to 4.7GHz (approximately $359)
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